Frameworks can be extremely helpful to conference professionals who are shifting their focus from planning and programming to designing attendee experiences. Several years ago, our team developed the EPIC framework—experiential...
Chef Thais Rodriguez was tapped by Marriott International to bring her vision of culture-to-table cuisine to Marriott properties worldwide.
Here are some of the hottest food and beverage ideas from the 2017 edition of event mastermind Michael Cerbelli’s The Hot List.
Q&A with Chef Nicholas Calias, from Boston’s Colonnade Hotel: “If we can’t make banquet food as good as restaurant food, it doesn’t go on the menu.”
How a conference empowered an amateur advocate—and former MeetingsNet editor!—to find her voice.
These state Society of Association Professionals join Michigan SAE in offering members reduced-rate licenses for exhibiting films at their events.
Your attendees may love your conference, but it’s still stressing them out. Here are some simple ways your mobile event app can help them get their groove back.
Answers to your burning questions about event hashtags, sponsor strategies, livestreaming platforms, going viral, and more.
Those who can master these elements will transform their meetings into true learning experiences.