The tagline of Meeting Professionals International’s World Education Congress, unfolding June 19 to 22 in Las Vegas, is “Stop planning meetings. Start designing experiences.” One of the executive-level tracks, “The 4D...
Lisa Kay Solomon, emcee of ASAE’s recent Xperience Design Project, says being a meeting designer means thinking about a meeting’s whole experiential package.
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Jun 08, 2017
Here’s How Planners Can Make the Most of It
Revving up productivity—both at events and personally—was a running theme during the dynamic one-day ECEF program.
Welcome to MeetingsNet’s annual Changemakers report, recognizing 20 individuals who are successfully moving their organizations and our industry forward in unique and positive ways.
Today’s attendees expect to be treated as valued individuals. Here’s how you can show them some love.
While it may seem far-fetched to think pot-smoking attendees could be a legal concern, industry attorney Joshua Grimes says it’s better to be safe than sorry.
With some attention to these basics, you can transform workplace meetings from boring to better.