Tyra Hilliard, J.D., CMP, assistant professor, meeting & event management at The George Washington University in Washington, DC, suggests the following contract wording to help guarantee your group credit for all attendees at the meeting hotel...
Security Checklist Richard P. Werth Medical Meetings, Dec. 2001 Security consultant Richard P. Werth, who specializes in security of events and meetings, compiled the following tips for planners...
Risk Management and Contingency Planning For Your Meetings ...
10. When packing clothes for a sleepover, has a list of what coordinates with what. 9. Practices different room set-ups with stuffed animals. 8. Has a powerpoint presentation called "Ways to Organize Your Toy Chest." 7. Insists on being in a room...
Here's a link to the very latest issue of our weekly e-newsletter, MeetingsNet Direct...
Want to get the inside scoop on the meetings industry from the editors of the Meetings Group's six magazines? Click here to receive Meetingsnet Xtra, a weekly e-newsletter stuffed with news, analysis, and the collective wisdom of more years of...
Finding ways to trim corporate travel and entertainment costs — including meeting expenses — has become a top priority for companies of all sizes. Ditto with the types of meetings you hold: Whether large or small, the data you can collect on those...
Listen to your attendees. Go on site to the event, talk to people about what they did and didn't like. Evaluations, of course, are also invaluable. It sounds simplistic, but it's the foundation on which everything is built. Take a tip from forward...
How would you like to confidently lead a group of diverse people to make a rapid collective decision anytime and anywhere? Or guide someone else in doing it? Of course you would. Who wouldn't? After learning to use the method in this article, you...