When I mention customer relationship management systems, your internal knowledge and content management systems and practices, and your conferences and other events, I don't imagine that you immediately see these as an integrated, interlocking set...
Dot-coms Align, Emerge, Even Give It Away The latest dot-com pairing will have b-there.com (www.b-there.com) offering its meeting planner users the opportunity to add a direct link to the travel booking capabilities of GetThere (www.getthere.com)...
The 7th edition of the Convention Industry Council Manual brings meeting planning into the new millennium...
Knowing the total value of your small meeting will enhance your negotiating position, as this expert details...
It's an 'Up-selling' World, So Get Creative "With this seller's market [in convention center space], there's been a spate of up-selling," says Douglas L. Ducate, president and CEO of Chicago-based Center for Exhibition Industry Research. "To quote...
Ritz Restructures Commissions: Will Other Hotel Companies Follow Suit...
Even though I'm a complete klutz as a do-it-yourselfer, my weekend misadventures in home repair have taught me a few valuable lessons. For instance, when you're hanging a door and you don't have a chisel handy, you can try to use a screwdriver...