"The only thing good about the past is your mother." Taking gleeful swipes at his own generation, the hotel industry, U.S. airlines, the Y2K hoopla, and anyone who isn't fully plugged in, Darryl Hartley-Leonard, chairman and CEO of Arlington, Va...
"It takes an Internet company to compete with an Internet company." If that's not your association's mantra, it should be, according to Anne Gordon, president and CEO of Seattle-based eSociety.com, a start-up Internet portal builder for...
StarCite New to Auctions The newest of the dot-com companies to enter the meetings arena did so with great fanfare recently at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City. StarCite plans to distinguish itself in the meetings e-commerce arena with a...
Ten years ago, the Professional Convention Management Association (PCMA) started a program called Network for the Needy. Initially founded to link meeting planners with food donation programs, it has evolved into a full-service volunteerism...
PowerPoint's basic sophistication is no longer a novelty; you can't faze attendees with a fancy fade or colorful graphic. However, the developer world is busily building new tools to keep PowerPoint hot. One of the most unusual is Karta...
The Hilton Boston Logan Airport, with 600 guest rooms--and space to expand by another 300 rooms--recently opened, almost three months ahead of schedule. The $100 million hotel offers a quiet respite (No, I really mean it!) in the middle of the...
SICEC provides an ideal setting for meetings, conferences, conventions, and special events...
IACVB Debuts Online RFP Service The International Association of Convention & Visitor Bureaus, Washington, D.C., has joined the e-bandwagon with the launch of an online meetings RFP program that's easy to use--and free...