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"I’m very grateful for our miracle: My youngest daughter survived Typhoon Haiyan in Tacloban, Philippines. She graduated university in May and left for Tacloban to teach English at a mission school. During the storm, she had the roof and most of the top floor blown off of her apt. It was a three-day journey via walking, van, trike, and boat to get off the island of Leyte, but she's safe and home for Thanksgiving."
"I got to thinking about and appreciating all of my blessings and have come up with my own Top 10:
1) Family
2) Health
3) The ability to increase engagement in the work environment
4) Economic recovery
5) The opportunity for professional growth and learning
6) That I work in a fun and rewarding industry
7) The ability to see the vast beauty and different cultures of the world and our country
8) That we work with clients who treat us as business partners
9) For my resourceful and engaged co-workers at a truly caring company
10) For my time with friends."
"I am thankful for having a loving, supportive, and healthy family. I feel truly blessed, especially when I encounter so many others less fortunate around the world or even within my community. It’s important to take a step back from time to time and assess the positives versus focusing on the negatives in our lives. As a corporate social responsibility teambuilding company, I work with so many people facing adversity in their life. I embrace those who are able to deal with what life has given to them without wasting energy complaining—they make the best and forge ahead. We can all learn an amazing life lesson from those around us. That is what Thanksgiving is all about."
"I am thankful for the dynamic group of people in my network that never cease to amaze, educate, and support me when I need it most."
"During this beautiful week of Thanksgiving, I am truly thankful for the love of family, friends, and business associates. I appreciate all that I have, the opportunities that I have been given, and the support that surrounds me. I don’t take for granted that I can see, hear, and walk—therefore, I thank God every day for health, happiness, and the ability to experience life."
"I just returned from the FICP [Financial & Insurance Conference Planners] Annual Conference in Boston, and I am reminded, following a hike along “The Freedom Trail” there, of the sacrifices made by the Patriots who stood at Bunker Hill and their struggles to give us our freedom. We need to be reminded, and never forget, our hard-earned blessings as a free people."
"I am thankful to be recognized as a 2013 Changemaker and grateful to work for an amazing company! Truly blessed!"
"I am grateful to be witness to the generosity of spirit of Mr. Harris Rosen [founder and president of Rosen Hotels and Resorts] and Kevin Iwamoto [vice president, industry strategy, Active Network I Business Solutions]. Mr. Rosen supports so many of his employees and families in many ways, and education remains a passion for him. Kevin has started a scholarship fund this year. These men are helping shape the present lives and futures of so many people. It is humbling to see when successful people pay it forward."
"I am thankful for my ever-expanding sphere of industry associates who have become part of my circle of friends as well! I am also thankful that my 89-year-old mother is still living independently. And, in the next day or two, we will be thankful for our fifth grandchild!"
"I am thankful for great clients, talented team members, and proof points that strategic meetings management can truly be global!"