Last week, Rita Moore joined ConferenceDirect as director of conference management operations, overseeing the conference management team, including training, recruiting, and processes. Most recently, she worked on the hotel side of the industry as...
Here are some of the things that I thought went really right at this year’s Meeting Professionals International’s World Education Congress—and a few that missed the mark.
While your event may be amazing, chances are you’re not the only game in town. How do you differentiate your event from the growing competition?
At its Visionary Awards in early May, the Professional Convention Management Association Education Foundation honored Wanda Johnson, CMP, CAE, as Meeting Professional of the Year. Johnson is the chief program officer for the Endocrine Society...
Corporate social responsibility helps business, communities, and the bottom line.
The bigger and more complicated the organization, the more essential it is to put your attention where it really counts.
Three individuals and four chapters were called out on the stage at Meeting Professionals International’s World Education Congress to be recognized for their accomplishments, as was the MPI Chair Award honoree.
At the World Education Congress this week, Meeting Professionals International announced several new initiatives, from enhancements to its Certificate in Meeting Management and inclusion-based programming to a new meetings safety and security guide.