Malaysia Airlines, as we know all too well, had a very bad, tragic year, with the loss of Flight MH370 with 239 people on board, and the shooting down of Flight MH17 over rebel-held eastern Ukraine that killed 298. Not surprisingly its safety rat...
I love our story, “Millennials Make Meetings Better for All,” written and edited by Alison Hall and Contributing Editor Rob Carey. Why? While we offer 12 ways to create meetings Millennials will love, we also have come to the realization that att...
By now, many New Year’s resolutions have faded along with their good intentions. The spirit of resolving to make a meaningful change often goes awry if the new behavior is not repeated consistently for two to three weeks. Here’s how to...
Advocacy. It’s a term we throw around in conversation, but how many of you really know the value and extent of it? Recent data from CEIR, the Center for Exhibition Industry Research, notes that in 2014 the exhibitions and events industry contribu...
To kick off 2015 in the right direction, I talked with several friends about the secrets to their success. What a gold mine of positive energy! The result is my six New Year’s resolutions below. Perhaps one or two of them will help you out in the...
I may have already said this, but social media—and, the Internet—have changed my life. My husband and I met online in 2000, and after that it became the doorway through which many blessings have entered. One of those blessings arrived this month...
Her journey from travel agent to meeting pro to president of a cruise line