Destination management companies have been a critical component of corporate meetings for over four decades, but the role of DMCs is changing, driven by an evolution of the needs, expectations, and requirements of meeting planners. Here’s our list...
Whether or not you’re a baseball fanatic, you’ll appreciate the insights of sports-management legend Stan Kasten, president of the Washington Nationals baseball team. Kasten will be the keynoter at Destinations Showcase February 7 at the...
The U.S. Department of Transportation has determined that lithium batteries are a potential fire hazard, and as a result, as of January 1, airline passengers are no longer allowed to pack loose lithium batteries in checked luggage...
From the cool interactive name badges to the expanded agenda of educational breakouts, FICP's annual conference in November wowed attendees with many new initiatives. A record-breaking number of more than 250 planners and 423 hospitality partners...
If it's not Vegas, it must be … Macau? This tiny Chinese peninsula 37 miles southwest of Hong Kong, which includes the city of the same name, surpassed the gaming revenue of the Las Vegas Strip in 2006 and saw the opening August 28 of The Venetian...
Grand Traverse Resort & Casinos ...
The evolving profession of strategic meeting planning documented by our recent reader survey is led by change agents unafraid to address new paradigms. Among them is Jan Hennessey, CMP, CMM, a 20-year industry planner who in 2006 rejoined her...
Visit to renew your FICP membership through 2008. Planners and Hospitality Partners who join before February 29, 2008, will be included in the printed directory...
Boston-based Jessica Crimmins is director of MetLife's Financial Solutions Group and the Business Strategy and Development Department. She is responsible for training, marketing, and communication in three areas: financial planning, estate...