THE 1,200 INDEPENDENT AGENTS and their guests who attended Safeco Corp.'s two-wave annual incentive program in Banff, Alberta, this spring expected they'd have a great time golfing, hiking, biking, river rafting, and basking in the beauty of the...
WITH THE BOOMING popularity of spa services for corporate groups, destination spas have become a new choice for meetings and incentive programs. And their emphasis on fitness, well-being, and pampering extends throughout every aspect of the...
For the 12th year, our readers have selected their favorite hotels and resorts. This month we honor the 30 top properties with our Premium Circle Award, acknowledging their excellence as meeting venues. Insurance and financial services meeting...
Nationwide Mutual Insurance Co., Columbus, Ohio, has become the first corporate sponsor of the Forum for People Performance Management and Measurement at Northwestern University. The Forum was launched in 2002 to research the link between...
THE THEME WAS the dawning of a new age of Aquarius — think the musical Hair, circa 1969 — and the underlying message was partnerships and professionalism at Meeting Professionals International 2003 World Education Congress in San Francisco, August...
Do your training programs have what it takes to not just teach new skills, but also to inspire attendees to put those skills into action after the course is completed? Here are some tried-and-true methods to ensure that your adult learners will...
WHEREVER THERE ARE third parties and commissions, there are ethical questions, and the competitive speakers industry is not immune. Some speakers bureaus are upping their commissions for marketing, negotiating, and other go-between services from...