Steve Heitzner has been appointed vice president of sales and marketing for Marriott Lodging, Western Region. His territory will include Oregon, California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Washington, and Alaska. He formerly was market director of resort...
A Theme of Discovery "I consider three things to determine themes for the incentive conferences for my brokers: location, the requirement to earn the incentive, and the ease of carrying the theme through all aspects of the planning," says Marie...
Your meeting contract is the foundation on which everything else is built. Work with hotels on contracts that balance precision and flexibility. And watch your ego: Remember, a win/lose situation, even if you "win," can be more hazardous in the...
Talk about rapid change: Just four years ago only 8 percent of independent insurance agents used the Internet. Today, that number has skyrocketed to 93 percent. E-mail is the most popular application (97 percent), followed by locating business...
Time was, there were plenty of good producers to go around. No more. Now insurance companies - regardless of whether they have captive agents or work with independent producers - are in competition with each other, mutual fund companies...
With incentive conferences at the heart of its marketing plan, London Pacific Life burst on the scene 11 years ago and has raced up the annuities sales charts...
Dear ICPA Colleagues: Happy New Year! As we officially enter the new Millennium, it is an exciting time for ICPA. The Board of Directors addressed many issues in the year 2000 and we expect to identify some critical objectives for 2001 at our...
A RISE IN SALARIES, SECURITY? As the role of meeting planners becomes more important to the strategic success of U.S. companies, salaries are increasing at a steady clip, and job security is growing. So says the Meeting Professionals International...