The meeting industry continues to "e-volve," taking advantage of the quicker response time, reduced paperwork, and lower costs of e-commerce, e-mail, and industry Web sites. Now Congress has joined the e-trend by enacting a new law, The Electronic...
On Location Melbourne, Australia Anyone who thinks all the action was in Sydney during this Olympic year simply wasn't paying attention. Construction crews are everywhere in Melbourne...
SIMULTANEOUS INTERPRETATION: A QUICK PRIMER Your audience speaks English, Spanish, and Mandarin; your keynoter speaks English. Time to call a translator, right? Wrong. Translation involves the written word. If you want your non-English-speaking...
Members of the International Association of Convention and Visitor Bureaus turned out in large numbers at its annual meeting this summer, where CVB execs learned about the umbrella organization's new, for-profit Web initiative called...
The meeting industry continues to "e-volve," taking advantage of the quicker response time, reduced paperwork, and lower costs of e-commerce, e-mail, and industry Web sites. Now Congress has joined the e-trend by enacting a new law, The Electronic...
You Pay Only If It Works Creates Online Contests If you want a quick sales boost, log on to's Web site and you can create an incentive contest lickety-split. There's no upfront cost--and if the contest doesn't...