Craig Jacobs has been appointed director of sales and marketing at the Hotel del Coronado in Coronado, Calif. He had served as vice president, western region, for the Plasencia Group, a hotel transactions and consulting company...
The Boca Raton (Fla.) Resort & Club invited 30 female insurance meeting planners to the resort in August for its eighth annual All-Girls Weekend, cosponsored by Continental Airlines. "The focus of the weekend has always been to build...
Teambuilding, Cowboy Style Round up your attendees for some riding and roping that will leave them with an authentic taste of the Old West. The Wigwam Resort in Litchfield Park, Ariz., now offers the ultimate American Frontier experience--a...
When Eric Lake was a kid and asked his mother the meaning of a word, she used to tell him to pull a dictionary off the shelf and look it up. According to Lake, kids these days have it easier than he did. "Now you can do a simple search on Yahoo to...
The 1999 Meetings Outlook Survey, conducted by Meeting Professionals International and the American Society of Association Executives, reveals that 22 percent of corporate meeting planner respondents expect to hold more meetings in 1999 than they...
Here's a new hot spot in Old Quebec: The newly opened Bellissimo Bistro features Mediterranean cuisine, paella, panini, and one of the most popular sushi bars in the quarter. For more information about the restaurant, call (418) 694-7979.
Since prehistoric times Mexico has been the site of important assemblies of indigenous peoples. They gathered in such awe-inspiring locations as Teotihuacan, Xochicalco, and Chichen Itza to exchange ideas and receive inspiration from their gods...
Zeev Landesberg is the new executive vice president and general manager of Reed Exhibition Companies Canada. REC Canada is the leading producer of trade exhibitions in Canada, with 80 percent of Canada's industrial-sector shows. Landesberg had...
* Company: Principal Financial Group, Des Moines, Iowa ...