Congratulations to Mark Kustwan, assistant vice president, conference planning, at MassMutual in Springfield, Mass. Kustwan's Premium Circle ballot was chosen at random from those submitted, winning him a trip to the Don CeSar Beach Resort and Spa...
* The 1,377-room Sheraton Centre Toronto has instituted a "Clean at Your Convenience" program that lets guests choose when they wish to have their rooms cleaned and refreshed. You can visit the hotel at Kosta...
Since prehistoric times Mexico has been the site of important assemblies of indigenous peoples. They gathered in such awe-inspiring locations as Teotihuacan, Xochicalco, and Chichen Itza to exchange ideas and receive inspiration from their gods...
* If you feel a bit at sea trying to sort through all the ships available for incentive cruises, Worldwide Travel and Cruise Associates in Plantation, Fla., wants to discuss your needs and match your group to a ship. "We are the bloodline to most...
Congratulations! Insurers have been among the most forward-thinking (and acting) when it comes to squashing the so-called millennium bug. (If you're still not sure what that is, see "It Wasn't a Programmer's Mistake," page 72.) So your department...
Manzanillo & Puerto De La Navidad (Colima state) Located on the "Mexican Riviera," just south of Puerto Vallarta, Manzanillo is a popular getaway for residents of Guadalajara and others searching for a less developed, more serene setting...
Drinking Water Most hotel zone venues have safe drinking water (hotels will indicate this in the rooms). If visitors stray from the beaten path or have delicate stomachs, bottled water is advisable...
Merger Message: Tell a Compelling Story With mergers and acquisitions continuing apace, many incentive and sales meetings have become opportunities for senior executives to address newly combined troops. Don't create a presentation that simply...