When Bob Wilgus took over planning meetings at Lafayette Life Insurance Company four years ago, he was faced with an annual sales seminar that was as tired and listless, in meeting terms, as attendees get when they sit and listen to speech after...
Over the past 12 years, if you were a top-performing agent for Life Investors Insurance Company of America, you could expect to be hitting the beach every March with 99 other top performers on the company's annual President's Trip. Last fall...
The choice of destination was not a concern for Ken Pickle, manager of incentives and conferences at Seattle-based Safeco. "We go to Hawaii on a regular basis," Pickle says of his company's annual four-day incentive for agents, usually held...
In June McGettigan Partners will launch a new kind of incentive program in response to an emerging corporate philosophy and the changing attitudes of people toward their work, says Lori Martin, senior vice president/western region for the...
Warm jasmine oil dripping in your ear may not sound like pampering, but it's part of a precise and very relaxing Ayurvedic treatment offered at The Spa at Chateau Whistler, which opened this winter at Chateau Whistler Resort in British Columbia...
In the northern woods of Minnesota the Gunflint Trail offers an adventure incentive that will appeal to the kind of qualifiers for whom another beach or round of golf is just 'ho-hum.' ...
The Midwest has many large, easily accessible airports. Illinois is the hub for national and international traffic at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport...
Liquidated damage clauses, which establish the amount of damages to be paid in the event of a breach or cancellation of a contract, have become standard parts of hotel agreements. They can benefit both sides of a contract, but they can also be...
April in Paris Parlez-vous promotion? GE Capital Assurance certainly does. The centerpiece of its one-year campaign to promote the 1998 Leading Producers Conference in Paris was a loose-leaf notebook that built excitement as it expanded. The...
A sharp-eyed museum docent once noticed that a painting had been mis-dated, realizing that the figures in the work were actually attending a costume ball dressed in the fashions of the previous century. Based on this clothing, the work itself had...