JUST OPENED In May, Portland, OR's new Fifth Avenue Suites Hotel opens downtown with 82 guest rooms, 135 550-square-foot suites, and four grand suites. The property is being constructed in the 1912 Lipman Wolfe building, most recently a department...
Guess what? Cancun is clean and safe and offers efficient, friendly service starting with airport personnel and continuing right through cab drivers to the front desk staff at your hotel...
Disappointed with the room rate quotes you've been receiving from resorts lately? A new company wants to help. It's called the Resort Meetings Consortium (RMC), and it promises you the lowest group rates available during your meeting dates...
* Hotel construction has been booming in Denver over the past year: Almost 9,000 rooms have either opened, or are under construction with plans to open by the end of the year. But with the exception of a major project at the Adam's Mark Denver ...
CONVENTION CENTERS AND BUREAUS Stephen B. Richer has been appointed executive director of the Mississippi Gulf Coast Convention and Visitors Bureau in Gulfport, MS. Richer is the former president of the Atlantic City Convention and Visitors Bureau...
Licensing Fees, Procedures A new music licensing agreement has been reached between the music and meeting industries, simplifying the reporting process and reducing costs for meeting organizers. Industry organizations--Meeting Professionals...
Convention Bureaus R.J. (Jim) Henderson has been promoted to vice president of sales and marketing at the Anchorage (AK) Convention & Visitors Bureau. He had been director of convention sales...
Like many insurance organizations, Aid Association for Lutherans (AAL), based in Appleton, WI, has been talking about incorporating a community service project into an agent conference for a long time. And, like many of those that have turned that...