She’s translated a meeting design text into Russian. Next on this forward-thinking planner’s to-do list: event design that draws from psychology, sociology, neuroscience, and more.
How 2018 Changemaker Courtney Lohmann is bringing her passion for protecting the planet to the events industry, and reducing food waste and saving money in the process.
How 2018 Changemaker Melinda Lauzon strategically redesigned the Canadian Medical Association’s General Council to expand reach and influence while becoming more inclusive.
What’s a continuing medical education specialist to do when education for CME providers is scarce and costly? 2018 Changemakers Derek Warnick and Scott Kober say, create a free online conference for all, of course!
Meet the hard-charging evangelist for events professionalism and the head of the SEARCH Foundation
2018 Changemaker David Jefferys has created a home for LGBT meeting professionals and their allies to support diversity, inclusion, and each other.
Marjan Ghaffari, a 2018 Changemaker, standardized processes and found 25 percent savings for her company by implementing a cost-neutral strategic meetings management program.