It may not be a news flash to frequent air travelers, but fewer flights were on time and more baggage was mishandled in 2007 than in 2006, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Air Travel Consumer Report, issued last week...
All travelers entering Europe—including American travelers—will be required to submit biometric data before being allowed to cross Europe’s borders if a European Union proposal comes to fruition.
The first thing attendees heard as they took their seats during Sunday’s opening general session at Meeting Professionals International Professional Education Conference-North America was the sound of drumming. The music and the moves of Texas...
“The alarm bleeped once,” says Michelle Gothan, senior marketing coordinator at the Scottsdale, Ariz.–based firm, “and then there was a message that the hotel was trying to determine the cause of the alarm.” ...
Think twice before stashing those lithium batteries in your luggage
Bank of America doesn't save travel rewards just for salespeople.