Your company is planning its annual meeting in a brand new city, and you've been tapped to come up with the venue (“Someplace eclectic,” says your boss), the accommodations (“Different from where we usually stay,” she adds), and entertainment ...
Training is a way of life for employees at Graniterock, a Wastonville, Calif.—based construction materials supplier ( They can choose from about 200 “Graniterock University” courses covering everything from English as a second...
Kathleen Paxton of the Seattle CVB welcomed everyone to the ICPA Seattle kickoff and shared how Seattle had worked for many years to have the opportunity to host ICPA's annual meeting. It would take everyone working together to make the meeting a...
Palace Resorts has purchased the Playacar Golf Course, an 18-hole, par-72 championship golf course designed by Robert Von Hagge. The course, 50 minutes south of Cancun, is in the midst of lush Mayan jungles...
Everyone has their layoff horror stories. About the company that videotaped the news and mailed a copy of the tape to every laid-off worker's home. Or the company that announced people's names over the loudspeaker as they were called in one by one...
(, a custom cabinetmaker based in Claremont, N.H., started springing for free doughnuts and coffee in 1992, a small step in reinventing an environment “that was not a lot of fun anymore and too aggravating,” says sales manager...