See Before You Buy BRANDERS/EVENTSOURCE ALLIANCE Log on to, select one of 4,000 products, drag and drop your logo onto it, and see what it looks like. Choosing a T-shirt? Drag your logo over (as an eps or jpeg file) and you can...
Your incentive program is meant not only to reward and motivate but to make money for your company. Use these guidelines (the dollar amounts are hypothetical) to make sure your next incentive program produces the bottom-line results you want...
JUST LOOK at the figures: In 1980 only 60 hotels in the United States offered spa programs . During the 1980s, that figure doubled. By 1999, more than 400 hotels had some form of on-site spa facility, according to Spa Finders, a company...
Video technology is finding its place among virtual meeting tools, from Web meetings to teleconferencing to webcasting. And for good reason: Video lets participants see facial expressions, which convey much more than disembodied words ever could...
Toys in meetings? You've got to be kidding! Not long ago, this would have been unheard of. But toys are popping up in meeting rooms all over the country--and for good reason. Toys can help managers achieve all of the following, and then some...