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Diversity enables conversations to take place at your events with a wider perspective. Being able to hear different views and opinions is essential to create awareness and collaborative solutions to combat injustices in the world.
Innovative environments allow people to speak out more freely and openly. In a free and creative environment, sensitive subjects may be illustrated in a lighter way and can be discussed thoroughly.
Notions of different religions and cultures are often misconstrued by the media and can therefore create prejudices in society. Events are therefore a great opportunity for educational purposes. Learning about a new religion or culture at an event allows people to think in an integral way about the world and create a more inclusive society.
Events gather a lot of people together and have the power to create one voice. The Women's March, which took place in January, is a great example of a movement that united millions of people to stand up for women's rights and justice.
The world is full of people with opposing beliefs and views. However, this doesn't mean conversations have to be confrontational. Understanding why someone has specific values or views can be a great way to think of future solutions or compromises.
Feeling disengaged in politics is common in small communities. However, creating a more peaceful world begins at home. Events have the potential to give people a voice to create change in their local communities.
Visit the Positive Impact website to read about more ideas for reducing the carbon footprint of your event:
7. Empower people in local communities.
8. Talk directly with those affected.
9. Focus on what you have in common.
10. Tell the story of the power of events.