Hard to believe that 2010 is in full swing. (Wasn’t it just the holidays?) Lots on the plate for this column: cool search ideas, a few industry tech tidbits (would those be techbits?), and a bit of social media, too...
Comdex lives again. The computer industry trade show that launched in 1979 and grew to be one of the largest expositions in the world before being canceled in 2003 has been reimagined as a virtual show.
The Everything Channel, a Framingham, Mass...
Results of a recent pilot survey show some CME providers to be behind the curve on social media adoption.
Last June, Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide and Marriott International each announced plans to add public Telepresence suites to a number of business hotels in major cities around the world. Now, within weeks of each other, the two chains...
There’s a whole lot of tweetin’ goin’ on this week at MPI’s MeetDifferent 2010, with the association’s Virtual Access Pass streaming content to a wider audience and bringing in ideas, input, and questions from off site...
A March webinar series, called SnowTech 2010, will present at least six of the sessions that were canceled when a blizzard forced the American Society of Association Executives & the Center for Association Leadership to call off its 2010...
There’s nothing more of-the-moment than a smart-phone app. Not surprisingly, developers are all over the meeting space, creating ways for you to reach out to attendees—and to help them reach out to each other—through their handheld devices...