For those interested in the ways tech innovations can bring interaction and dialogue into the meeting environment, a new blog called Interactive Meeting Technology casts a wide net over the subject, with postings from a European-based blogger with...
Cisco Systems had a problem: Its sales force was unenthusiastic about the company’s fall 2008 decision to upset its 20-year tradition of face-to-face sales conferences and instead hold a large-scale virtual event in 2009...
It’s that crystal ball time of the year. Even with all the changes seen recently in mobile and social-networking technologies, 2010 may yet be a redefining year for how we communicate with one another. Game-changing hardware, operating systems...
When it comes to Twitter, it seems everyone has a different opinion about the online community that lets registered users post updates called “tweets” of no more than 140 characters. But however you feel about the popular social networking site...
Social media is now the place to look for a job. But where do you start and how do you go about it? We're here with the answers.
Worried that all that tweeting to off-site followers is making your attendees antisocial toward the people in the room? Jeff DeCagna says stop worrying and embrace it!
A strong whiff of greenwashing was in the air earlier this month, when the International Air Transport Association confidently presented its sustainability plan to United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon...
The WorldWide Technology Watch, an international contest judging top event technology innovations, drew 46 entries in 2009, more than any year since its inception in 2000. The deliberations are over and the honor goes to Pathable, an online...
The place to start with a social media plan is goal-setting.