CeBit, the information and communications mega event, has spawned a New York City version. CeBit America will launch June 18 to 20, 2003, with management by Hannover Fairs USA, Inc., the American subsidiary of Hannover, Germany-based Deutsche...
Shaken by the loss on September 11 of two good customers and colleagues — the Marriott World Trade Center's Abdu Malahi and Joe Keller — and confronted by what to do with a meeting planning department with time on its hands, Lee Travel Group...
To make the most of its sponsorship of the 2002 Winter Olympics, job search giant took a flying leap into client hospitality. Colleen McGrath, senior manager of marketing, and Beth Gilstrap, senior sales communication manager, had the...
If your idea of archiving a conference begins with bulky three-ring binders and ends with cassette tapes, wake up. It's 2002. If your organization would benefit from access to conference sessions that can be archived on the Internet within hours...
Here's a conundrum for you: Singapore is a long, long way from the United States. But once you're there, everything is nearby. How close? How about 5,200 sleeping rooms within walking distance of the convention center...
After awarding a Dodge Viper to a top performer, management at IBM's Tivoli Systems division started looking for something even more spectacular to fire up the sales troops. An idea took flight: The Austin, Texas, software developer presented two...