High performers need more than a nice place to work. They want to be recognized and rewarded for their performance. In today's economy, companies are finding it increasingly difficult to hire, motivate, and retain good employees, perhaps in no...
Those of you who are not using videoconferencing technology at your meetings and events, please step to the rear. Nobody moved? Great--you're an in-touch, leading-edge bunch of managers, and you're smarter than the average bear...
What to do when you're 10,000 rooms short? Float in some new ones...
Your old site inspection checklist probably doesn't cut it with today's new technologies. Here's a supplement that will help you find a facility that's wired to your needs. Hotel Sales Sales representative is online ...
Technology Meetings magazine is like the computer on your desk: If you look behind the scenes, there's a mass of connections that allows energy and data into the machine. One of the connections we've valued most at TM during our start-up phase is...
Meetings that focus on technology education are "the most difficult meetings to produce," says William J. Myers, CAE, CMP, and COO of the Professional Convention Management Association in Birmingham, Ala. As a member of the team that plans METCON ...
A classroom where adults learn well is not all that different from a classroom where children learn well. First you need the basics: Even and comfortable lighting, well-circulated air, comfortable seating, and convenient note-taking surfaces...
Launching a 1,500-person user conference is one more sign that this design software developer is on the fast track. You can fall into a trap, doing too many meetings and trade shows," cautions Sabine Gossart, director of marketing for software...