The Convention Industry Council and Social Tables have partnered to create the Pocket Planner, a meetings and events calculator app that helps planners with F&B, staffing, and safety requirements. Now available, Pocket Planner links directly to t...
Planners often judge their virtual events to be successful based on the number of attendees they attract. While attendance does play an important role, there are other aspects of an online event that you also should consider when determining its ...
Take our 10-question quiz to test your knowledge of the audiovisual lingo your suppliers expect you to know.
The software company’s new Association Meetings Summit pairs with its Corporate Meetings Summit for a blockbuster event in Las Vegas.
Meeting planners are hearing a lot about how important it is to include some game elements into their meetings apps. Here are some practical tips on how to do just that from a session at this year's IRF Invitational.
Oculus Rift, Developer Version (photo by Sebastian Stabinger (CC by 3.0)I read a fascinating article in Wired on Oculus Rift and the future—the very near future—of augmented reality on a recent flight to Los Cabos, Mexico, for the IRF Invitationa...
Despite concerns over the technology's potential to cause learners to breach patient privacy and violate copyrights, Google Glass is a growing presence in the healthcare field—and its meetings. Here are some reasons why you may want to...