A2Z INC.Mobile product: ChirpE Columbia, Md. (410) 740-9200 a2zinc.netCompany founded: 1998Mobile product launched: December 2008Contact: Greg Pollack, sales managerClients: EIBTM 2010, National Association of Broadcasters, PACK EXPO International...
ALLIANCE TECH INC. Mobile product: Intelligent Connect Mobile Austin, Texas (512) 617-2000 alliancetech.comCompany founded: 2002Mobile product launched: October 2009Contact: Roger Lewis, executive vice presidentClients: IBM, PAINWeek, Freeman...
ATIV SOFTWAREMobile product: EventPilot 3.0 San Diego
(707) 336-2848 ativsoftware.comCompany founded: January 2010Mobile product launched: March 2010Contact: Silke Fleischer, founder, CEOClients: eLearning Guild (DevLearn 2010), Linkage Inc...
ZERISTA INC.Mobile product: ZeristaPro Denver (702) 230-6801 zerista.comCompany founded: 2008Mobile product launched: 2009Contact: Charlie Savage, chief technology officerClients: GSM Association’s Mobile World Congress, BIO Association, CompTIA...
EVENTKADDY INC.Product Name: EventKaddy San Francisco (415) 874-7470 EventKaddy.comCompany founded: October 2009Mobile product launched: February 2010Contact: Graham Blair, vice president, business developmentClients: Autodesk, Western Veterinary...
CORE-APPS LLCMobile products: Follow-Me and EventLink Glen Burnie, Md. (410) 974-0505 core-apps.comCompany founded: 2009Mobile product launched: Follow-Me, March 2009; EventLink, December 2009Contact: Jay Tokosch, CEOClients: Consumer Electronics...
SHERPA SOLUTIONSMobile product: ActivTouch Montréal (514) 360-3345 sherpa-solutions.com Company founded: 2007Mobile product launched: October 2010Contact: Jacques Racine, president and CEOClients: Reed Expositions North America, ASIS International...