At yesterday's Expo! Expo! luncheon, we found out that long-time IAEM member Alan Peterson has had a horrible tragedy in his family: In a bad car crash earlier this week, his daughter, Hanna Elizabeth, was killed, and his son gravely injured. The...
Sounds like something a cartoon character shrieks as he runs off a cliff, doesn't it? That's probably why the International Association for Exhibition Management's new acronym, for International Association of Exhibits and Events, is pronounced IA...
I just heard about University of Colorado's plan to offer Bachelor of Innovation degrees in electrical engineering, computer science, and game design and development. A snip...
The talk at the lunch in the exhibition hall today at Expo! Expo!, at least among us newbies to the show, was about the lack of seating for those lunching. There was only one bar-type tabletop at each food station I saw, and much of the food...
And it wasn't even 9:30 a.m.! This actually was a fun session, with the panelists bellied up to a bar (with real bottles of...
Attending the educational sessions here at the Expo! Expo! show is a little different than at other meeting industry events I...
While most bars, restaurants, and hotels that have already implemented smoking bans haven't found it to hurt their businesses...