According to the results of the latest TripAdvisor annual travel trends survey of 4,000 travelers around the world, your attendees may be into some things you didn’t know about. While 47 percent said they intend to visit a spa this year, thatâ€...
Culture shock is always something to think about when taking a meeting overseas, but this is pretty extreme: Paris Syndrome. According to the article, some Japanese tourists find the reality of Paris so far removed from their expectations that it...
If there are any continuing medical education providers reading this, check out Capsules, our Medical Meetings blog. I've been quiet over here, but typing my little fingers to the bone over on that one about the National Task Force on CME Provider...
I had forgotten about Hyatt's celebrity wake-up call service until Kare Anderson reminded of it in an e-mail. She had what I...
Sorry for the silence here lately—I've been in Baltimore at the American Medical Association's National Task Force on CME...
According to Yahoo, a survey recently found that business travelers are pretty loyal dogs when it comes to their hotel choices...