The face2face MeetingsNet blog is an eclectic mix of news about meetings and events, hospitality, and business travel, along with helpful hints and the occasional rant.
OK, so not everyone thinks the new IAEE blogs are all that great (see the comments to this post). But I challenge anyone to quibble with this one: Confabb. So far, the posts are uniformly good, I think. And it's featuring Tim Bourquin, one of my...
Meetings marketing tends to preach to the choir, which I suppose it how it should be. You know who they are, what they want, and how to get them fired up so that they hopefully will bring along a few friends and colleagues. But check out this...
Ever wonder why all those AV cables and mic wires tend to tangle, no matter how well you think you have them organized? Here's the answer, which has to do with motion. It doesn't supply any real solutions, though, except this: ...
There's a slew of interesting-looking new blogs now being brought to us by the International Association of Exhibitions and Events. Check out the eMerge blog for updates on the upcoming show, and a listing of expert advice available on topics from...