The face2face MeetingsNet blog is an eclectic mix of news about meetings and events, hospitality, and business travel, along with helpful hints and the occasional rant.
And what, pray tell, might an EBBI be? It stands for the EventCIO Blog Brilliance & Innovation awards, and I'm inordinately pleased to say this humble face2face blog managed to squeak onto the short list of winners. ...
If not, are you prepared to kill an attendee? Keith makes some excellent points about how a good risk manager takes the food prep into account, along with all those other risk factors. And he's also right that you can't tell the quality of food...
Just when I think they can't possibly come up with another way to tack on a fee, Spirit Airlines surprises me. And not in a good way. The latest? A fee to talk with a human at the airport (as long as it would be possible to get the task done...