So I'm on a Web site that's selling something I most likely want to buy for my magazine, but it won't let me. There is no way to find out prices, much less place an order. There is a number to call, but it just put me into an automated system that...
This is fairly brilliant, and a good example of how an association can slice and dice its membership to come up with new ways to enhance their community: Dog lovers wine club, offered by the *Humane Society. HSUS members are de facto dog lovers...
I caught a couple of interesting headlines on Patti Shock's blog: Delta Calls In Todd and Rande To Spruce Up Airline Food and...
Another great nugget in today's RSS feeds: Pecha Kucha: Get to the PowerPoint in 20 Slides Then Sit the Hell Down from Wired...
Cindy Butts is at it again: Check out her 11 Ways to Use Zoomerang--and 14 Tips. Pure gold, and I would say applicable to other...