Sad to think we may need one, but given the recent rash of reclining-seat-based bad behavior and a discussion with a flight attendant on a flight not long ago, it appears that we do. So here’s my first stab at creating a guide that, if followed...
Greg Miller has a fascinating article in Wired on how the way movies are edited mirror in large part how our brains edit the constant bombardment of information our senses provide. Essentially, we’re not disoriented when a scene switches in...
This guest post is by speaker, author, and innovation expert Cyriel Kortleven.
In today’s world, the only constant is change. Organizations have to deliver better, faster, more efficient products and services to increasingly demanding clients—an...
We’ve almost—almost—become accustomed to paying for things that used to be included in the airline ticket price: checking a ba...
Ah, if only it actually felt like this to fly coach! Alas, 'tis not to be, at least not on any airline I've flown lately.Nothi...
I read the results of a recent U.S. Travel Association-sponsored study with a chagrined sense of familiarity: 41 percent of us...