The face2face MeetingsNet blog is an eclectic mix of news about meetings and events, hospitality, and business travel, along with helpful hints and the occasional rant.
Cindy at AE on the Verge has some good tips for meetings being held during this flu season (she positions it as for dealing with H1N1, but it's good advice to follow to keep people from getting the seasonal flu, colds, and whatever else happens to...
I hesitate to even link to this post, but I just have to: Bruce Schneier on the latest security threat: Butt bombers. (Warning: The post talks about body parts normally more sat upon than regulated by TSA.) I'm actually surprised it took this long...
Did you know that sipping a hot cup of tea might make you literally feel more warmly toward the person you're with? That's among the thoughts proposed in "Thinking Literally: The surprising way that metaphors shape your world", in today's Boston...
That's the question SocialFish Maddie Grant is asking. It's a good question (and, may I add as a member of the Big Boom, one my generation is asking itself as well). ...
Check out Used Event Stuff, a site that lets you recycle your meetings castoffs instead of chucking them in the dumpster or paying to haul them back home and store them. You can buy, sell, and find green vendors, too. ...
I know I don't need to tell you this, but while Indexed's brilliant Jessica Hagy titled this one "Barefoot Dancing at the end of the wedding," it could just as easily be called "What every new meeting planner needs to know":
I'm sure you've heard by now about Boston's Hyatt hotels laying off housekeeping staff and replacing them with cheaper help from a third-party company. ...