The face2face MeetingsNet blog is an eclectic mix of news about meetings and events, hospitality, and business travel, along with helpful hints and the occasional rant.
Well, for meeting planners, air travel generally is in the job description. But according to this article in USAToday, people who come to your meetings—or rather don't because they're afraid to fly—could be putting their jobs in jeopardy. From the...
Well, if you call Raj Peter Bhakta, a guy who got kicked off The Apprentice two years ago a star, then we had a star sighting last night in the Philadelphia airport while waiting for our flight back home after the ...
We've all heard the grousing about how office meetings are a big old waste of time—well take this, meetings-bashers: According to this AP story, there's a study that people actually like meetings—they just don't like to admit it. From the article...
Read this post on Creating Passionate Users, then think about it. While Kathy Sierra is talking about why the teens today are so hooked on the social networking site MySpace, what are meetings if not social networking sites iin real time and real...
While riding the elevator yesterday at the Marriott Philadelphia Towers, where I'm staying for the Pharmaceutical Meeting Planners Forum, I couldn't help but notice a slight problem with elevator etiquette. You know the way people always face...
Sunday was filled with more prep work for the Pharmaceutical Meeting Planners Forum, which we're co-organizing with the Center for Business Intelligence. For me, this meant more work with those bags. One of the items to be stuffed in the bags didn...
Thought I'd take a few minutes to catch up while waiting for my room service dinner. Despite having to come down on a flight that made me get up early on a Saturday (most decidedly not my favorite thing to do), we got here in Philadelphia for the...