The face2face MeetingsNet blog is an eclectic mix of news about meetings and events, hospitality, and business travel, along with helpful hints and the occasional rant.
Here's a great post on why most training programs don't end up changing participants' behavior—and what you can do about it: How to ensure that training is NOT a waste of time! by Management Craft.
(Thanks to Johnnie Moore for the pointer.)
This press release from the Association for Psychological Science has some interesting food for thought for adult educators—and gives a whole new meaning to role playing. Researchers studied what enabled actors to memorize their lines, and came up...
E-venting has a great post about the various different types of blogs people are doing to support their meetings. For our Pharmaceutical Meeting Planners Forum in March, I plan to do kind of a hybrid of all four types that he mentions—on-the-scene...
I'm liking the Hilton San Francisco, where I'm staying for the Alliance for CME annual meeting this week. The place is enormous, but for some reason I'm finding it easy to get around, which is highly unlike me. Usually, in a place this big, I end...
As you may have guessed, I'm back from my fabulous sailing vacation (I'll spare you the photos, at least for now). I needed that. But it was a short time back home—I barely had time to clean out my e-mail over the weekend and yesterday before...
Hotelier Michael Chaffin has some interesting musings about the proliferation of hotel design (and redesign) these days. I should know: I think I get every press release ever written about what hotels are doing to stay fresh, hip, up-to-date, etc...
Val Willis has an interesting post on the Tom Peters blog about Marriott's redesign of its Residence Inn in Manhattan to cater more to women's needs on the road. Specifically, she mentions that it will be an entirely nonsmoking facility and that...
This review from gives a rundown on the best cities for bargain-loving travelers&@8212;your attendees, perhaps? And some of the results are a little surprising, at least to me. Here are the top five: Denver, Colo., Greenville...
Chris Bailey at the Alchemy of Soulful Work has an interesting post based on his reading of an article in the Harvard Business Review's issue for January 2006 called Decisions and Desire by Gardiner Morse about what goes on in our brains that...