The face2face MeetingsNet blog is an eclectic mix of news about meetings and events, hospitality, and business travel, along with helpful hints and the occasional rant.
I don't know about you, this picture could make me smile on the most rotten of days. There are lots more at Cute Overload.
(Thanks to BoingBoing for the pointer. I needed that!)
These motivational Muppet movies from Jim Henson's Muppet Meeting Films are wicked cute—and could be a great starter for pretty much any meeting. You can't beat the "Sell, Sell, Sell" video for opening (or closing) a sales meeting, and check out...
I just found hospitality marketing, service, and brand design expert Michael Chaffin's site, and we are definitely on the same wavelength. Then I read the proposal for his manifesto on customer service at Change This and, well, I want to read more...
What the heck is Squidoo and why should you care? Well, the brilliant marketing dude Seth Godin came up with the idea that everyone is an expert about something, so he gave us a place show off our expertise in what he's calling "lenses." Tradeshow...
Next time you're designing an event brochure, or working on a new logo, or just want to play with type, check out this site, where you can type in anything you want and see how it looks in all kinds of different fonts. If you find one you like...
I wanted to give this a test run to see if it'd be something useful for people: A tag cloud for meetings. Basically, you just click on the word/phrase you're interested in, and it accesses a special search engine that'll look for more on what you...
They all want more convention business, and they're all going after it in their own unique ways. Taiwan recently held a meetings industry marketing forum to help its folks market on an international level...
The U.S. Patent Office has sent a final rejection letter in the SMI patent claim case, raising big shouts of joy from everyone who does online registration (use 09809595 as the application number if you click through to see the actual notice)...