The face2face MeetingsNet blog is an eclectic mix of news about meetings and events, hospitality, and business travel, along with helpful hints and the occasional rant.
A lot of cities are dealing with the same situation as Kansas City, as explained in this article. "Six major convention groups are in play right now and we suspect we're going to get a lot more," said Rick Hughes, association president. ...
The American Hotel & Lodging Association has set up its own disaster site, which includes a listing of what various hotel companies are doing for guests and employees, and for those impacted by the hurricane; a message board where members can...
I just found, a site that has a map of all the affected areas, updated by visitors to the site who have information about the people and places in the various neighborhoods in the cities. It's pretty wild. I can go into the...
The fruits of my labor of the past couple of days is now live: Our list of links to resources. It has links to: News from affected cities, meetings/hospitality-specific Katrina news sites, rescheduled/cancelled Gulf Coast meetings, hotel...
Kare Anderson of the Say It Better Center just let me know that the National Speakers Association has established a fund, a network of speakers who will provide one-to-one contact with an affected speaker for the next year, and other immediate...