The face2face MeetingsNet blog is an eclectic mix of news about meetings and events, hospitality, and business travel, along with helpful hints and the occasional rant.
The Harrah's look, that is. Reminds me of back in the dark ages when I was a bartender at a disco and had to wear, well, we'll just call it a harem costume and let it go at that. According to the article, cocktail waitresses have to audition for...
This cartoon is too funny--and too true. Makes me glad once again that all I have to do is write about this industry, not actually be in charge of meetings and conventions (especially Comdex!!).
If you’re an MPI member, you now can get Corbin Ball’s Technology Guide for Meeting Professionals for free. The 1,200-product database is a must-have for tech-savvy planners, and you gotta admit, the price is right. To get your copy, visit...
This article from The Hindu Business Line makes business sound like a beach. As more IT, pharma, engineering, and other businesses continue to boom in Chennai, India, local resorts are snapping up some good meetings business...
Boston’s gigantic, beautiful new convention center, the BCEC, opened just in time for a waning in super-huge shows, according to an article in yesterday’s Boston Globe. ...
What do the Palms Casino Resort in Las Vegas, the Argonaut Hotel in San Francisco, the Cypress Hotel in Cupertino, Calif., the Mayfair House Hotel in Coconut Grove/Miami, and the Hotel Monacos in Chicago, New Orleans, Salt Lake City, Denver, and...
I don't usually blog about leisure hotel packages, but this one's a goody. For a very, very small meeting-—make that a girlfriends getaway--the Fairmont Washington, D.C., has a deal for you, good until the end of the year. Called the Femme Fatale...
John DiScala—aka, JohhnyJet, creator of what I believe has to be the most comprehensive travel Web site I’ve ever seen, made me cry when I read the preface to the book he co-authored with Eric Leebow, You Are Here Traveling with ...