The face2face MeetingsNet blog is an eclectic mix of news about meetings and events, hospitality, and business travel, along with helpful hints and the occasional rant.
According to an article in the Miami Herald, business travel can be dangerous to your waistline, especially with the usual airport dine-and-dash: "If you travel just five times a year and overeat by 2,800 calories each round trip -- pizza, a few...
Cute item on errtravel that starts off: "Have you ever had a business trip where everything - and I mean everything - went perfectly? Me neither. Yet while paging through a periodical that targets business travelers, I noticed that the people in...
As is obvious from this article from on the First Annual Meetings Industry Trend Summit held at Mohegan Sun recently, "It’s a safe bet to say the free wheeling days of the last 1990s are a thing of the past as those operating...
An interesting question posed by Association Meeting's editor in the May edition of AM Extra e-newsletter brought in a flood of e-mail: How does the commoditization of hotels rooms (attendees going for the lowest price) affect group room blocks? ...
The votes are in, and this time, there’s no need to count chads, hanging or otherwise. The Greater Washington Society of Association Executives yesterday voted overwhelmingly to move ahead with the merger of GWSAE, the American Society of...
I just joined up at the, which is run by the International Experiential Marketing Association (IXMA). Since experiential marketing encompasses everything from sales meetings to trade shows, I thought this might be interesting...
Or maybe you do, if your attendees have a sense of humor. A friend sent me a list of 50 state "mottoes," some of which I thought were pretty funny (others a tad to very offensive). Here are some of the better ones: ...