Other than some serious last-minute rushing to make my flight due to some weird traffic phenomena, the trip to Miami for the IAEE Expo Expo was pleasantly, well, pleasant. And my room at the Doubletree is serviceable, even though I have the world...
I generally am pretty little-kid about holiday decorations—it doesn't take much to make me go "ooh." But hotel lobbies do tend to overdo it at times. Or so Hotel Chatter thinks. Here's their pick of the five ugliest types of hotel lobby Christmas...
For smaller meetings, I love this idea from David at the Association Executive Management blog (though you should be sure to...
If your attendees are on the nerdy side (and hey, that's not a bad thing to be called these days--even geeks can be popular)...
Yup, they sure can, much to all our chagrin. Here's an interesting exploration on the why's and how's of this phenomena, from a...