Seth Godin talks about the scarcity shortage, i.e., how the value of something can hinge on how hard it is to come by. Well sure, if diamonds were a dime a dozen, that's probably what they'd cost...
While I live on computers in my daily life, I'm one of those who are firmly against people being on laptops in meetings. To me, it seems disrespectful to the other people in the room and the tap-tapping can be really annoying to those around you...
A wonderful world, with wonderful things in it, like this totally off-topic video recommended by a MeCo member:
Another session at thePasskey Housing Forum was a free-flowing discussion of today’s burning housing challenges, from attrition to underblocking to bookarounds. Here are a few things we talked about...
Went to another great session yesterday at the Passkey Housing Forum, this time a roundtable discussion on maximizing room...
Everyone who's been to a meetings industry conference likely has heard John Foster, Esq., of Foster, Jensen, & Gulley...
Greg Malark, chief operating officer of HelmsBriscoe, kicked off the Passkey Housing Forum yesterday in Boston with some...