After reading about the levels of customer disservice recently received by two very visible—and very vocal—meeting professionals, MaryAnne and Joan, I have to wonder what is going on. I know the economic fallout on most of us, and particularly...
The latest issue of Wired had a great travel section. It includes things like a fabulous time versus money column along with the marginal utility curve (tracks bang for the buck of things from a ride on the Staten Island Ferry to zero-gravity...
Funny how just 10 cm can make the difference between unlocking the cockpit door and causing a 737 to roll and drop 1,900 meters in 30 seconds. Yikes!
Speaking of fees—here's a new twist on cancellation fees: airline-like rebooking fees (read through the comments for more...
How else can you take the news that U.S. hotels are now raking in a record $1.8 billion (with a "b") in fees and surcharges? To...
I'm in Baltimore for the National Task Force on CME Provider/Industry Collaboration conference, which is one of those typically...