No matter what your hobby, profession, passion, or quirk is, there's probably a conference just for you. MSNBC put together a list of 12 of the "world's strangest conventions (for twins, toilet aficionados, and celebrity impersonators, to name a...
I just read about the ...
I just read about this simple but scarily effective hotel scam that I could see myself falling for. From Hotel Chatter: ...
In an interesting move, six Democratic senators are pushing back against Spirit Air's decision to charge up to $45 for carrying on a bag by pushing for having carry-on luggage designated as essential air travel items. (How carry-ons ever escaped...
Is it really possible to continue adding on more hotel fees without ticking off guests? When they already stand at $1.55 billion, I'd tend to doubt it, but according to this article, it is -- if it's done the right way. ...