If you're wondering who's hiring in special events now, and why, check out this article, which just so happens to be titled Who's Hiring in Special Events Now--And Why. Some good news is that Special Events found 17 percent of the companies...
Just in case your meeting's registration line ever backs up, this article from today's Boston Globe will give you a little perspective: Standing in line: The case for our least-favorite activity. I must say that I never looked at waiting in line...
I love it when people live what they are passionate about. Take my colleague Barbara Scofidio, editor of Corporate Meetings & Incentives,. She has been writing about meetings that give back to their host communities, and meetings-related...
Click on the photo to enlarge it, then tell me -- is this not the best airplane paint job ever? It's brought to you by Kulula, South Africa's low-cost airline. (Thanks to Chris Rawlinson!)
Mike McCallen offers some interesting insights on events he gleaned from the gazillion-ticket-selling movie Avatar. Just what you need to know to make your next meeting a blockbuster (well, this info plus a few hundred million ought to do it).
Just a friendly reminder to get your data in for the 2009 CEIR Index. It should be quick and easy to do, and you'll get a free copy of the results for participating if you get your data input by this Friday.
Some headlines that caught my eye this morning: ...