Check out Used Event Stuff, a site that lets you recycle your meetings castoffs instead of chucking them in the dumpster or paying to haul them back home and store them. You can buy, sell, and find green vendors, too. ...
I know I don't need to tell you this, but while Indexed's brilliant Jessica Hagy titled this one "Barefoot Dancing at the end of the wedding," it could just as easily be called "What every new meeting planner needs to know":
This just blew my mind completely. It's well worth the eight minutes to watch:
Thanks, T, for the pointer!
I'm a big fan of ASAE and The Center's use of social media, as you may have guessed from all my mad gushing about it. ...
I'm sure you've heard by now about Boston's Hyatt hotels laying off housekeeping staff and replacing them with cheaper help from a third-party company. ...