Another voice, this time New York Times editorial writer Maureen Dowd, chimes in to bash the meetings business. While she makes a good point in that they should have toned things down, when she says this in "I Ponied Up for Sheryl Crow?," she lost...
I'm sure you've heard all about how various government officials and agencies think companies receiving Troubled Asset Relief Program funds should handle their meetings (in case you haven't, some references: Treasury Dept. TARP Guidelines Target...
I got a press release this morning from the BlueCotton t-shirt company about a survey they did this month about t-shirts (natch). Specifically, the type of t-shirt people hold onto forever. Turns out that, while the top response was t-shirts...
I just found out about the Eventprofs Twitter group from the Meetings Podcast Guys this morning, so I missed the premier networking event, but I'm now duly signed up and ready to check it out. (Mike's post explains more about it, and how to...
Maddie Grant explains how the microblogging tool called Twitter really ">came into its own at ASAE's Great Ideas conference. Not being able to attend myself this year, I have been following the Twitter stream, and have to agree that it's been...
In case you need more proof of how tough things are for meetings right now, check out this article from the NYT: As the Recession Waxes, Business Meetings Wane. I haven't heard of anyone doing this, but according to the article, "Some event...
If you'd like to follow what's happening on MeetingsNet via Twitter, now you can. I'm still not sure exactly how we'll be using it, but it should be fun (if you have any suggestions, please let me know in the comments or via e-mail). We're also on...
Here's an interesting article: U.S. Hotel Profitability During Recessions, by PKF Hospitality Research. Not surprisingly, historically profits and revenues go down during a recession (though in some cases hotels raise rates to offset occupancy...