Oh those librarians! One look at the Dewey Decimators, the winners of the 2007 Medical Library Association meeting book cart drill team competition, and, if you're like me, you'll wonder what else they do at their meetings: ...
Well, the results of our survey on how the economy is affecting association meetings are in. Read 'em and weep: ...
We all know about guard dogs, but have you ever thought about getting some chickens to keep the peace at your next meeting? According to this video, you could do worse, especially if you have a livestock component to your trade show floor ;>
I love this project: A group of three students from The George Washington University's online Accelerated Master of Tourism Administration program are learning about putting on a webinar by—you guessed it—putting on a webinar. The students—Arleen...
Bill Marriott is trying to anticipate some possible backlash about California's Proposition 8--opposing gay marriage--on Marriott properties, it seems, with a recent post on his blog. ...