I know, it hurts my brain too, but check this Wired post: Dropping oil prices hurt airlines. Huh? It's what happens when airlines literally hedge their bets on oil futures. From Wired: ...
Hotel Chatter poses an interesting questions: What hotel amenities do you consider totally useless? While I disagree with them on the uselessness of ironing boards and in-room coffeepots (while fully understanding the dangerous potential of the...
From Indexed, one of the most brilliant sites around IMHO:
Although, as someone who lives with a 13-year-old Australian Shepherd, I'd argue that curious old dogs aren't that different from people...
Corbin Ball's latest e-newsletter had an interesting article called 45 Ways to Use Technology to Green Meetings (and is "green" now officially a verb?). There are the usual suspect, like using an e-RFP and offering online registration. But he also...
...just wait until this clip from MadTV becomes reality. Now that we're paying for water, soda, and blankets, it's quite not as funny now as it was when I saw it on the show I think last year: ...
I can only wish most people were as good at dealing with change as this rodent is. Many thanks to futurist and speaker Jim Carroll for posting this clip of the "squirrel highway" on the fence at his house, and what happened when he and his kids...
Yes, it is possible to get emotional about something that happens at an airport, besides frustration/rage/annoyance. I don't know if this is a true story or not, but it brought tears to my eyes, so I wanted to share. This comes from author and...
ASAE and The Center just released a draft version of its Social Responsibility Principles, an outcome of the social responsibility forum the organization held last spring. The draft is open for comment until Oct. 16, so get your licks in now. ...
Psst, don't tell anyone, but the real reason we gain weight may be that we're thinking too much. Yup, the harder our brains are working, the more food we eat, even though we're not really expending any more energy than we would be just lounging...