Well, I'm taking off for my summer sailing vacation in the British Virgin Islands. I'm trying to line up some posts for while I'm gone so this place won't be totally dormant, but if anything exciting happens and I don't say anything about it, at...
If you have a drive-in meeting, you might want to send attendees this URL, courtesy of MSN. You just plug in your zip code and it tells you where to find the cheapest gas (and most expensive--no idea why you'd want to know that, but whatever). ...
Presentation Zen brings us two examples of just how bad PowerPoint can be (not that we need any more examples, but these are doozies): Obama, JFK vs. Bad PowerPoint. As Garr says: ...
While I like to whine about American's new $15 fee for the first checked bag, that's really just an annoyance--I doubt too many attendees will decide this is the fee that broke the camel's back and cancel their trips. (Check out these "sneaky"...
I wasn't going to chime in on American's great new idea of further nickel and diming passengers with its new $15 fee for the first checked bag, but I can't resist. Personally, I'd rather they just add to the ticket cost than tack on a bunch of...